Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cold weather

It can be an enemy to the best of mothers on the best of days, but a couple days with active little boys unable to play outside for more than a few minutes at a time can cause this Bad Mother to tear her hair out. Oh! My! Word! The business of running and jumping and yelling that boys must do in the course of every day...(my eyes are bugging out of my head here) They have fought and thrown hard objects at each other and nearly broken their own necks the past couple of days, but even colder weather is coming for the weekend and I believe we're going to need padded walls for me.

What really reminds me of my Bad Mother status on this one is knowing that we live in one of the warmer climate zones where they get to play outside regularly until October or November and can start going back out regularly by March or April. If we lived in a cold climate where they have snow starting in September? I'm quite certain they'd have to put me in a straight jacket by the beginning of warmer weather. I have immense respect for the mothers who can tolerate little boys being wild animals while stuck indoors for six months of the year. Yowch!

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